True News -Uncensored - Sharon Leonard

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16 Views· 12/07/22· News & Politics

Can the Supreme Court Overturn the 2020 Election? Technically, YES. (link below)

Sharon Leonard
224 Subscribers

Although it would be a long shot, the truth of the matter is the 2020 election could still be overturned if the Supreme Court agrees to hear the Brunson vs Alma case. The news media will never tell us that, unless it is the honest, accurate Epoch Times. Investigative journalist Joshua Philipp has the details. ⁣Pray.

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Larry Hudson

2 years ago
If the Supreme Court believes in honest elections they will hear this case. We will find our pretty quick how honest they are.
1 0 Reply

Sharon Leonard

2 years ago
Yes, they should hear the case, I agree, if they are honest and true to the constitution they will allow this to be heard.
1 0 Reply
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