True News -Uncensored - Sharon Leonard

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11 Views· 11/13/22· News & Politics

Tucker Carlson: Construction of Obama's temple was halted (commentary is my own).

Sharon Leonard
224 Subscribers

**The real crime here is that Obama is spending 1/2 BILLION dollars on a shrine to himself....this is a disgrace and to add insult to injury, they are offering a 100,000.00 reward to find out who "maybe" put a rope on this arrogant man's work site. As Tucker points out, where is the reward money for information on all of the murders going on in low income neighborgoods because Obama and his crew defunded the police and empowered criminals.

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Jacinta Sterling

2 years ago
It is such a shame that black people have become the intellectual slaves to these maniacs! So sad that many do not even recognize that they are been fooled and abused! When will they ever learn that many of these 'successful' black men are just pawns used to give the illusion of power to blacks? The media are such prostitutes, it's unbelievable.
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Sharon Leonard

2 years ago
Agree! More and more are becoming aware but yes it is truly so sad!
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