202 Views· 05/30/23· News & Politics

Dr Rashid Buttar on Daystar.tv Ministry Now 2020-10-13

Dr Rashid A Buttar
2,014 Subscribers

Dr Buttar's intervention on Daystar.tv alerting the audiences about how the "waves" were constructed. They can predict them because they provoke them with the aim of imposing a mass vaccination program for all the population, the reaal goal thaat big pharma always had.

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Farooqa Yoosufani

1 year ago
Dr B scammed his TAP members out of millions of dollars on fraudulent investment schemes and then faked his death to get away with the money. He is a heartless and unremorseful criminal with no moral compass and I pray that he burns in hell forever and that Allah swt punishes him severely both in this life and in the hereafter. Allahumma ameen.
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8 months ago
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Maryam Sukaynah

2 years ago
This is exactly how it happened. Rest in peace Dr. B.
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Sharon Leonard

2 years ago
Dr Buttar will continue to save many lives. His work will go on forever, causing a ripple effect of goodness, good health, and love for mankind always.
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