8 المشاهدات· 05/15/23· الأخبار والسياسة

"This Is How We Save The World" | JIM GALE on becoming Self Sufficient...

Sharon Leonard
222 مشتركين

Jean Nolan interviews Jim Gale on creating a 'food forest' of abundance. Creating self suffiency and more to share. In today's current situation with Big Government's and Big Pharma's attack on food and purity; Jim Gale and Jean Nolan offer great advice for creating a 'food forest'. (video credits: Jean Nolan, Inspired) link: ⁣//www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L-DIZ1GC7A For gardening tips check out: ⁣https://clikview.com/v/UGcHy8?....ref=1762673293644737

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