Kash Patel speaks truths on cu.. - Sharon Leonard

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GovernmentGangsters.com is Where You Will Find the TRUTH; Knowledge is Power 🇺🇸

Sharon Leonard
224 Subscribers

Kash Patel, former head of National Security, is fighting for America, the constitution and founding father values. You can go to https://fightwithkash.com to learn more of the truth. Order his book for enlightenment and strength against a very corrupt regime. America will win this, but we must stand together for justice and freedom. Government Gangsters is the roadmap to freedom in 2024. governmentgangsters.com

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Robert D. Gubisch

1 year ago
And I will add that if we the 30% started LIVING our truth, daily, on the street so to speak, out among real living human beings, we could and should BE the leadership that we so long to see in elected officials. We cannot wait on 'them' any longer! 'They' will respond to US when 'they' see that we are the leadership! That is how it should work, from the bottom up. We must take the war out far and away from any computer/AI world and live RIGHTEOUSLY in front of living beings. I know too many people that do NOT speak their mind when in the midst of their fellow human beings. That has to change, NOW. We have to make the waves of change ripple throughout the country, in real life relationships. And use the computer after the fact. Forgive me if I am typing/talking too much! Robert
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Robert D. Gubisch

1 year ago
Sharon, thank you for your added comments. I can't help but recall Trump stating that Hillary should be arrested/tried etc., but he never lifted a finger in that direction after he was elected. And the President, without the House and the Senate's support, Constitutionally speaking, is limited. Where are all our elected officials who are screaming about election fraud? And where were they when all of this 'fraud' went down? And where were they when the J6'ers were being led to prison? To say 'we will not comply' is rather simply done. Why not go much further and call for massive peaceful demonstrations, non-violent resistance to all un-Constitutional mandates and 'laws'? Yes, we ARE in a war right now, so why aren't our elected officials admitting it and acting like it! War is not a game, it is life or death. "..... it will be up to the people not to accept an unfair election." So how did 'the people' do last time? So how did the 'people' do relative to the lock downs, the masks, the taking over of schools, the 'shots'? The living, active, people of truth are probably 30 percent of the population. They need leadership that is happening in the now, relative to the actual war that we are in. Our money loses value every day, our prices are increasing every day, our basic principles of right and wrong have been eaten away for years. We should not be talking about an election more than a year away! I believe hoping for anything out of Washington, D.C. is wasted energy. Let us go to our 'local' board meetings, our 'local' elected officials, all of them, and let them know clearly that we will not tolerate anymore of the insanity that has been and continues to be fed to us. I believe that the essence of this warfare is based in the invisible world of Spirit. The battlefield is our mind. We begin to 'win' when we take dominion of our mind! And then we LIVE that victory out into the physical world around us. Rudolf Steiner, from the past, continues to be a source of strength and support. Tyla and Douglas Gabriel, Michael McKibben are great sources of living information and energy, for me. I must stop. I don't know if there is a limit to 'word count' here! In gratitude, Robert
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Sharon Leonard

1 year ago
Thanks Robert, all of your points are valid and also good advice. It's true that we the people must not stay quiet. The local level is a great place to start and your comments are spot on, thanks again!
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Robert D. Gubisch

1 year ago
I appreciate all that you are doing. I ask you this about Donald Trump. And everyone else who believes that he could be or will be the next President. Why did Trump turn the country over to Fauci when he was our President? Fauci, an unelected nobody ran the country as Trump obviously and blatantly allowed him. There was never a true pandemic relative to any virus so why did Trump declare the emergency that gave the green light to the pharmaceutical companies to bypass all the rules? And why hasn't Trump said one word about the statements above, that I know of. Why didn't Tucker ask him these direct questions? The last time I heard a Trump interiveiw Trump patted himself on the back for bringing that harmful and sometimes deadly batch of 'shots' to the public in such a timely fashion! And since the last election was so obviously and blatantly stolen, in broad daylight, how can you believe that the next one can possibly be legit? I again say, thank you for what you do, although I have just discovered you via Sharon Leonard. But I am baffled at how anyone can believe that the 'next' election is where our focus should be. With warmest regards, Robert
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Sharon Leonard

1 year ago
Thanks for your comment Robert. I think President Trump was unsure at the onset of Covid of exactly what we were dealing with. There was some talk about two years ago that if he had not rushed the FDA protocol that more may have been injured and that this had thwarted some of their plan. I'm not sure that President Trump realized the evil he was dealing with. He did advise on national TV for everyone to take hydroxichloriquine and the reporters attacked him and said 'you are not a doctor' and he replied no I'm not a doctor but I don't want people to die and this stuff works. It seemed as if he was in a hurry to help like so many others. I agree with you that they will cheat again. I think it will be up to the people not to accept an unfair election. It is frustrating that nothing seemed to happen last election, even Mike Pence did nothing. I am hopeful this time will be different. It will be sad if there is a war but what is happening now is a war so I am hoping we win with a fight till the end for justice.🙏🏻🇺🇸
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Sharon Leonard

1 year ago
@Sharon Leonard: Here's a clip of President Trump's plan for the next 'plandemic' (Time Stamp 3:18 https://clikview.com/v/IfTE1l?....ref=1762673293644737 He is prepared for them. Also, now that he had 257,000,000 views -and during the GOP debate, I think he will be getting so many votes it will be harder for them to cheat with such an enormous landslide, with astronomical numbers this time around.🇺🇸
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