108 Tampilan· 08/22/22· Orang & Blog

My “Covid”Journey

24 Pelanggan

just a video to introduce myself slightly and a brief description of what happened to me when i spoke out against COVID while working in healthcare. Gratitude towards Dr. Buttar

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7 Komentar

Tamara DeVito

2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
Stay strong May!! Sending love and support your way. Lean on us, we are here for you.
0 0 Membalas


3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
Hold 🤍 Thank You for your service .
2 0 Membalas


3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
May stay strong. Praying for Devine intervention for you
2 0 Membalas

Fran Lauricello

3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
Sending you hugs, love, and support, May. So proud of you for standing your ground. We are all with you. Stay strong!
3 0 Membalas

Kathleen Rae

3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
May, I can’t imagine the trauma you’ve experienced. You are in my prayers ?
4 0 Membalas
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