19 Просмотры· 08/22/22· Люди и блоги
PSG Ministry Series: A 1050 Mile Walk: CALIFORNIA WALK FOR RELIEF, 1983 (with Lyn Hanush)
Be sure to catch the free book offer we have at the end. This is part of the process of my mom starting what has become her legacy ministry: Seek Him First Ministries.
You can contact me through my Pray Serve Go Facebook page in order to get the book. You don’t have to join, but you may if you want. The book is free for those in the US; we just ask that you pay the $8.95 shipping. You may also make an optional donation to Mom’s future prayer walks if you’d like.
Thanks for watching!
Alyce-Kay and Lyn
Sweetwater, TN and Albuquerque, NM, USA
#prayerwalk #prayer #walkbyfaith
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