860 Views· 03/26/23· News & Politics
What Kenyan President William Ruto Says About The US $ - Clay Clark and Dr Rashid A Buttar
First 5 minutes of this video are showing some snipets from the most recent Trump rally and then goes into a interview where Clay Clark asks Dr. Rashid A Buttar some tough questions. Why Did the Kenyan President William Ruto Say? "Those Of You Who Are Holding Dollars. You Better Do What You Must Do. Because This Market Is Going to Be Different In a Couple of Weeks". Watch this interview where Clay Clark and Dr. Rashid A Buttar discuss the most recent conversations about the projected change in currency, as well as the implications of Artificial Intelligence implementation.
Riley Jackson
2 years agoWholisticHealth
2 years agoThe CBDC is a system for complete enslavement and control!
The Feds keep printing dollars and we are going to have a hiper inflation which will probably lead to a complete collapse of the US dollar and the economy.
It seems that the Wall Street collapse at the beginning of the last century compared to what we are going to experience will seem like a walk in the park.
2 years agoKim Outten
2 years agoJeanineStudley
2 years ago