stdClass Object ( [id] => 2403 [video_id] => ITvByoaDCfe5sKh [user_id] => 128 [short_id] => JC8nmI [title] => A Token for Your Dreams? [description] => Imagine if you could buy an Amazon server, one that transacts business for the world's largest retailer, and every time that server does something, you get paid. When it makes an API call? You get paid. When it executes a sales transaction? You get paid. When it trains an algorithm? You get paid. Sound interesting? Let's talk CrowdWorld!

CrowdWorld is a next-generation commercial ecosystem that combines the best elements of blockchain -- durability, immutability, transparency, decentralization -- with the latest fintech innovations, like instant transactions, immediate clearance, dynamic group purchasing, and optimal liquidity. Sound exciting? Time to invest!

⁣CRWD Units - [a][/a]

Claim your CRWDiD - ⁣[a][/a] [thumbnail] => [video_location] => [youtube] => LnRbH1mF9ho [vimeo] => [daily] => [facebook] => [instagram] => [ok] => [twitch] => [twitch_type] => [time] => 1663798733 [time_date] => [active] => 0 [tags] => Inside Analysis,CRWDWorld,CRWDiD,Sean Brehm,Nadab Achtar,CrowdPoint,#CRWD Unit,Buttonwood Agreement,CrowdPoint Blockchain Buttonwood Agreement [duration] => 00:50:52 [size] => 0 [actual_resolution] => [source_location] => [converted] => 1 [category_id] => 8 [views] => 15 [featured] => 0 [channel_featured] => 0 [registered] => 2022/9 [privacy] => 1 [age_restriction] => 1 [type] => youtube [approved] => 1 [240p] => 0 [360p] => 0 [480p] => 0 [720p] => 0 [1080p] => 0 [2048p] => 0 [4096p] => 0 [sell_video] => 0 [sub_category] => 0 [geo_blocking] => [demo] => [gif] => [is_movie] => 0 [featured_movie] => [stars] => [producer] => [country] => [movie_release] => [quality] => [rating] => [monetization] => 1 [rent_price] => 0 [stream_name] => [live_time] => 0 [live_ended] => 0 [agora_resource_id] => [agora_sid] => [agora_token] => [license] => [is_stock] => 0 [trailer] => [embedding] => 0 [live_chating] => on [publication_date] => 0 [is_short] => 0 [is_cinematic] => 0 [is_channel_default_video] => 0 [backup] => 0 [channel] => [file_location] => [chunkId] => [node_file_name] => [hls] => [dash] => [cf_uid] => [cf_preview] => [cf_error_code] => [cf_error_text] => [has_local] => 0 [is_do] => 0 [embed] => 0 [org_thumbnail] => upload/photos/2022/09/wIrWBouFekcXewz3euyD_22_36000ed01b6c4c7eba6ff08a800d4c57_image.jpeg [video_id_] => LnRbH1mF9ho [source] => YouTube [video_type] => video/youtube [url] => [ajax_url] => ?link1=watch&id=a-token-for-your-dreams_ITvByoaDCfe5sKh.html [edit_description] => Imagine if you could buy an Amazon server, one that transacts business for the world's largest retailer, and every time that server does something, you get paid. When it makes an API call? You get paid. When it executes a sales transaction? You get paid. When it trains an algorithm? You get paid. Sound interesting? Let's talk CrowdWorld!

CrowdWorld is a next-generation commercial ecosystem that combines the best elements of blockchain -- durability, immutability, transparency, decentralization -- with the latest fintech innovations, like instant transactions, immediate clearance, dynamic group purchasing, and optimal liquidity. Sound exciting? Time to invest!

⁣CRWD Units -

Claim your CRWDiD - ⁣ [markup_description] => Imagine if you could buy an Amazon server, one that transacts business for the world's largest retailer, and every time that server does something, you get paid. When it makes an API call? You get paid. When it executes a sales transaction? You get paid. When it trains an algorithm? You get paid. Sound interesting? Let's talk CrowdWorld!

CrowdWorld is a next-generation commercial ecosystem that combines the best elements of blockchain -- durability, immutability, transparency, decentralization -- with the latest fintech innovations, like instant transactions, immediate clearance, dynamic group purchasing, and optimal liquidity. Sound exciting? Time to invest!

⁣CRWD Units -

Claim your CRWDiD - ⁣ [markup_title] => A Token for Your Dreams? [owner] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 128 [username] => ValindaLynnWood [email] => [tap_id] => [ip_address] => [password] => $2y$10$6E5al15ULAB5pSyEfJMQv.X8fwWjl8YSFUYVEfTujLHDuvHEwjJzm [first_name] => valinda-lynn: [last_name] => wood©®™️ [gender] => female [email_code] => 50aa396fa6cd2d71e42792e626c86293768d6b19 [device_id] => [language] => english [avatar] => [cover] => [src] => [country_id] => 1 [age] => 52 [about] => You Sense It……

Can you ‘see the writing on the wall’, (Daniel 5:5); right here in front of us? It is being written on our ‘screens’. We have been shown the evils of the times.
Can you ‘feel the earth groaning’ (Romans 8:22); to be liberated out from this bondage of decay and brought into the freedom and glory?
Can you ‘feel the winds of change' (Mathew 7: 24-27); the storm that has and is raging…to test the foundation on which you have built your house?

It is time…. It is here…. a movement away from being and operating in a ‘central’ platform, to a ‘de-central’ platform, to an ecosystem…like none other. Join us as we are 'turning over tables' (Mathew 21:12-13)
This is a REVOLUTION to restore the ‘fortunes of my people’ (Jeremiah 30: 18-21), the VALUE OF THEIR IDENTITY!
Leading this charge with an army 1000 strong; many from the TAP Warriors group that teamed with both Dr. Rashid A Buttar and Sean Brehm with a company called CrowdPoint. These crusaders have banded together and with the ‘tip of the spear’ (Habakkuk 3: 9-13) are piercing the empires fortresses of malice; where you and I have been devalued, unprotected (exposed) and herded like cattle for slaughter.
It is our destinies to be healed, delivered, sanctified, set free and made whole; which is why my husband and I have made this change of direction for our future. As distributors and resellers in this ecosystem we are aiding others on their journeys of regaining their securities and value of their God given identities; to no longer be exploited. Our mission is to aid in the recovery of those that have been 'lost' and 'not found'; to help 'restore what has been stolen' (John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it abundantly).
Together....we WIN the BATTLE (Ephesians 6:12) by securing our identities on the BLOCKCHAIN!!! Band together with us as we MARCH (1 Chronicles 14:15)

Health enthusiast committed to researching, finding and sourcing wellness and sharing that knowledge with others. I am passionate about living a non-toxic lifestyle and believe the resources to this information should be transparent and available to all!

With our health, we have wealth! [google] => [facebook] => [twitter] => [instagram] => [active] => 1 [admin] => 0 [verified] => 1 [last_active] => 1715045910 [registered] => 2022/8 [time] => 1661006898 [is_pro] => 1 [plan] => professional [imports] => 61 [uploads] => 1557372729 [wallet] => 0.865 [balance] => 0.45 [lock_balance] => [gold_token] => 10 [arbitrage_wallet] => 10.3 [arbitrage_lock_status] => 0 [lock_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [lock_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [arbitrage_interest] => 3 [ecom_wallet] => 0 [course_wallet] => 0 [video_mon] => 0 [age_changed] => 1 [donation_paypal_email] => [user_upload_limit] => 0 [two_factor] => 0 [last_month] => {"likes":0,"dislikes":0,"views":127,"comments":0,"update_time":1709251140} [active_time] => 30 [active_expire] => 1715385540 [phone_number] => *** [subscriber_price] => 0 [monetization] => 0 [new_email] => [fav_category] => Array ( ) [total_ads] => 0 [suspend_upload] => 0 [suspend_import] => 0 [paystack_ref] => [ConversationId] => [point_day_expire] => 1715126340 [points] => 342 [daily_points] => 0 [converted_points] => 384 [info_file] => [google_tracking_code] => [newsletters] => 0 [vk] => [qq] => [wechat] => [discord] => [mailru] => [linkedIn] => [pause_history] => 0 [tv_code] => [permission] => [referrer] => [ref_user_id] => [ref_type] => [cover_position] => -278px [subscription_id] => [customer_id] => [video_display_setting] => 0 [invoice_status] => 0 [address] => *** [city] => *** [state] => ** [post_zip_code] => *** [pro_type] => 0 [google_secret] => [authy_id] => [two_factor_method] => [privacy] => stdClass Object ( [show_subscriptions_count] => yes [who_can_message_me] => all [who_can_watch_my_videos] => all ) [name] => valinda-lynn: wood©®™️ [ex_avatar] => upload/photos/2022/08/1d2mxvvMbktYePh3m9Sd_20_6b3658284389cb3558d04bfbe3f9df47_image.jpeg [ex_cover] => upload/images/cover_1706250942.png [url] => [about_decoded] => You Sense It…… Can you ‘see the writing on the wall’, (Daniel 5:5); right here in front of us? It is being written on our ‘screens’. We have been shown the evils of the times. Can you ‘feel the earth groaning’ (Romans 8:22); to be liberated out from this bondage of decay and brought into the freedom and glory? Can you ‘feel the winds of change' (Mathew 7: 24-27); the storm that has and is raging…to test the foundation on which you have built your house? It is time…. It is here…. a movement away from being and operating in a ‘central’ platform, to a ‘de-central’ platform, to an ecosystem…like none other. Join us as we are 'turning over tables' (Mathew 21:12-13) This is a REVOLUTION to restore the ‘fortunes of my people’ (Jeremiah 30: 18-21), the VALUE OF THEIR IDENTITY! Leading this charge with an army 1000 strong; many from the TAP Warriors group that teamed with both Dr. Rashid A Buttar and Sean Brehm with a company called CrowdPoint. These crusaders have banded together and with the ‘tip of the spear’ (Habakkuk 3: 9-13) are piercing the empires fortresses of malice; where you and I have been devalued, unprotected (exposed) and herded like cattle for slaughter. It is our destinies to be healed, delivered, sanctified, set free and made whole; which is why my husband and I have made this change of direction for our future. As distributors and resellers in this ecosystem we are aiding others on their journeys of regaining their securities and value of their God given identities; to no longer be exploited. Our mission is to aid in the recovery of those that have been 'lost' and 'not found'; to help 'restore what has been stolen' (John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it abundantly). Together....we WIN the BATTLE (Ephesians 6:12) by securing our identities on the BLOCKCHAIN!!! Band together with us as we MARCH (1 Chronicles 14:15) Health enthusiast committed to researching, finding and sourcing wellness and sharing that knowledge with others. I am passionate about living a non-toxic lifestyle and believe the resources to this information should be transparent and available to all! With our health, we have wealth! [full_cover] => upload/images/cover_1706250942_full.png [wallet_or] => 0.865 [balance_or] => 0.445 [name_v] => valinda-lynn: wood©®™️ [country_name] => United States [gender_text] => Kvinde [am_i_subscribed] => 0 [channel_notify] => [subscribe_count] => 183 ) [is_liked] => 0 [is_disliked] => 0 [is_owner] => [is_purchased] => 0 [paused_time] => 0 [is_watch_later] => [is_playlist] => [playlistData] => [time_alpha] => 09/21/22 [time_ago] => 2 flere år siden [comments_count] => 1 [category_name] => Mennesker og blogs [likes] => 6 [dislikes] => 0 [likes_percent] => 100 [dislikes_percent] => 0 [main_video_price] => 0 [age] => )