9 المشاهدات· 09/15/22· الناس والمدونات

Alma Ohene-Opare: We must not accept false labels

97 مشتركين

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

There has been a concerted effort fueled primarily by politicians and the media to label half the country with incendiary terms that marginalize and dehumanize us. We must not play their game. We must not comply with their schemes.

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1 تعليقات

Sharon Leonard

منذ 2 سنوات
Beautiful words! Thank you🙏🏻👏👏👏👏👏❤️
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