18 المشاهدات· 02/26/23· الناس والمدونات

Audrey Hepburn's and Cary Grant's Classic Mystery Movie I Charade (1963)

Sharon Leonard
222 مشتركين

Scene from the classic movie, "Charade" with Audrey Hepburn and Carry Grant.

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منذ 1 عام
How beautiful she was. I always liked to watch Audrey Hepburn's movies. One of my favorites was "Breakfast at Tiffany's.

She won an Academy Award, for Best Actress in the 1953 film "Roman Holiday" and received Best Actress nominations for "Sabrina" (1954), "The Nun's Story" (1959), "Breakfast At Tiffany's" (1961) and "Wait Until Dark" (1967).

After her death on January 20, 1993, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voted her the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, which is an Oscar statuette, for her many contributions to humanity.
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Sharon Leonard

منذ 1 عام
Yes, I've always loved how kind she was, she helped during the war and suffered, and then helped with the children. An amazing actress🙏🏻💫🌎❤️
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