6 Visningar· 11/15/22· Människor & bloggar

God’s Answer To The Coronavirus Hidden In Proverbs 18 | Joseph Prince

Brenda Marsolek
7 Prenumeranter

God wants you to rise up and reign over this virus!This excerpt is from: Rise Up And Reign Over Your Enemies (12 Apr 2020)
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Whether the enemy you’re facing is sickness, a new strain of virus, depression, or lack, discover the key that will cause you to rise up and reign over it. In this powerful message by Joseph Prince, discover the winning attitude that God wants you to have in the midst of this dark season. Learn how you can:• Experience victory over every trial when you develop God’s “throne attitude” of rest.• Rise above every adversity when you understand your unshakable position in Christ.• See God’s provision, protection, and healing when you anchor your faith in Jesus’ finished work.• Ascend to greater levels of blessings and freedom when you learn to be directed step by step by the Spirit.Beloved, it’s time to rise up and reign over every adversity!

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