13 Ansichten· 10/14/22· Leute & Blogs

LIFE IS HARD - Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Matthew McConaughey)

Brad Shoultes
25 Abonnenten

"Life's not easy. Don't try to make it that way." Matthew McConaughey.
Special thanks to Tom Bilyeu for providing one of the interviews used in this video: http://bit.ly/ImpactQuotes Check out his awesome channel for more.

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“It's not really a risk unless you can lose the fight. I feel more alive. I have an experience. I'm nervous everyday when I come to work, but most things are more rewarding when you have to break a sweat to get them.” - Matthew McConaughey

Get McConaughey's new book Greenlights: https://amzn.to/2YinBAM


Matthew McConaughey

McConaughey is known all over the world for his many accomplishments: Academy Award winner for Best Actor in Dallas Buyers Club, a Golden Globe, a Screen Writers Actors Guild Award, two Critics' Choice Awards, a People’s Choice Award and more.

Follow Matthew:
Greenlights book: https://amzn.to/2YinBAM

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►Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0.

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2 Jahre vor
I absolutely love this compilation of Matthew McConaughey, speaks directly to my heart. Thanks for uploading
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