26 意见· 10/11/22· 人与博客

What’s with the crwdunits

Great article that explains crwdunits here: ⁣https://www.linkedin.com/pulse..../what-why-crwdunit-s

Interested in purchasing crwdunits...go here: ⁣https://crwdunit.com/?afmc=SNiB980NX5If0cRQAZkU3

#crwdunits - Foundational necessity - an instrument that derives its value from an underlying asset of collective intelligence being generated on a decentralized cloud and securitized by the physical qualities of silver. ( a financial derivitive )



1 注释

Larry Hudson

2 年 前
Great read.
1 0 回复
Yes....packed with info and insight! 😀
1 0 回复